The Master of Arts (MA) is usually awarded to those on social sciences, arts and humanities (including philosophy and history), business, consulting and business management amongst a host of other subject areas. These are post-graduate degrees conferred by universities around the world. A master’s degree is an academic qualification awarded to individuals who successfully demonstrate a higher level of expertise in a particular field of study.
A Master of Arts can offer a number of diverse benefits ranging from enhanced career prospects to improved problem-solving and decision-making. The successful acquisition of a Masters demonstrates higher-level capacities.
Obtaining a Masters involves one year of full-time study or two to four years of part time study, acquiring thereby an internationally recognised and respected academic qualification. Courses normally begin in September or October, though some start in January or February.
To obtain a masters degree you need to have done enough work to add up to 180 credits in total, any less than this and you are not eligible for the award. Some are merely given a pass or fail, but commonly taught master’s degree grades are fail, pass, merit (or credit) and distinction. The boundaries for this are usually 50% for a pass, 60% for a merit and 70% for a distinction.